
Saturday, 24 January 2015

Pantun Empat Kerat Muafakat Tingkatan Tiga

This is my first malay homework of the year. Hope this would help you. ^^..  n please enter some comments. :)

Maksud Pantun
Rangkap 1: Kesungguhan bersama-sama menghadapi susah senang akhirnya akan membawa kejayaan.

Rangkap 2: Manusia akan bersatu padu apabila bermuafakat.

Rangkap 3: Sikap bekerjasama dan bergotong-royong perlu menjadi amalan bagi menjamin kebahagiaan hidup.

Rangkap 4: Negara akan damai dan kehidupan rakyat akan aman sejahtera sekiranya nilai bermuafakat diberikan keutamaan.

Rangkap 5: Persefahaman akan berkekalan dalam kalangan anggota masyarakat sekiranya mereka berpegang kepada sikap saling mempercayai.

Rangkap 6: Perpaduan akan dapat diperkukuh andainya sikap tolak ansur dan hormat-menghormati diamalkan.

Tema pantun ini ialah amalan bermuafakat dan kerjasama dalam masyarakat akan membawa kesejahteraan.

(a) Pentingnya bersama-sama dalam keadaan susah mahupun senang.

(b) Kepentingan kesepakatan hidup bersama.

(c) Sikap saling mempercayai dalam mengekalkan kesepakatan.

(d) Pentingnya mempraktikkan amalan gotong-royong.

(e) Sikap bertolak ansur dan hormat-menghormati mengukuhkan perpaduan.

(a) Bentuknya terikat.

(b) Pantun ini terdiri daripada enam rangkap.

(c) Pantun ini berisi empat baris serangkap.

(d) Pantun ini ada pembayang (baris pertama dan kedua) dan ada maksud (baris ketiga dan keempat).

(e) Bilangan katanya tiga hingga lima patah kata sebaris.

(f) Setiap baris pantun ini terdiri daripada sembilan hingga lima belas suku kata sebaris.

(g) Rima akhir pantun ini ialah abab.

Unsur-unsur Bunyi
Asonansi – pengulangan bunyi vokal (a,e,i,o,u)
Contohnya: Usaha bersama membawa bahagia (pengulangan vokal a)

Aliterasi – pengulangan bunyi konsonan
Contohnya: Indah sungguh warna pelangi (pengulangan konsonan n)

Gaya Bahasa
(a) Anafora – pengulangan kata pada awal baris
Contoh: Bulat air kerana pembetung,
Bulat manusia kerana muafakat.

(b) Repetisi – pengulangan kata
Contoh: Hidup muafakat, hidup bahagia.

(c) Imej alam – penggunaan unsur alam semula jadi
Contoh: pelangi, senja, lurah, buah salak, paya, kangkung, beras, sawah padi, bunga

(d) Peribahasa
Contoh: Bulat air kerana pembetung,
Bulat manusia kerana muafakat.

(e) Responsi – pengulangan kata pada tengah-tengah baris
Contoh: Bulat air kerana pembetung,
Bulat manusia kerana muafakat.

(a) Muafakat
Contoh: kesepakatan dalam kalangan masyarakat membawa kepada kehidupan yang sejahtera.

(b) Bekerjasama
Contoh: sikap sentiasa bekerjasama memudahkan pekerjaan yang kita lakukan bersama.

(c) Bertolak ansur
Contoh: rakyat yang mengamalkan sikap bertolak ansur akan menjamin kedamaian seebuah negara.

(d) Saling mempercayai
Contoh: persefahaman yang berkekalan akan wujud sekiranya masyarakat saling mempercayai antara satu sama lain.

(e) Hormat-menghormati
Contoh: Masyarakat yang berbilang kaum sentiasa diseru agar saling menghormati akan kesejahteraan bersama akan wujud dan berkekalan.

(f) Perpaduan
Contoh: Semua ahli masyarakat haruslah bersatu hati demi mengekalkan keharmonian hidup bermasyarkat.

(a) Kita hendaklah bersama-sama menghadapi saat semasa susah ataupun semasa senang.

(b) Anggota masyarakat hendaklah mengutamakan permuafakatan.

(c) Kita perlulah mengutamakan sikap bergotong-royong demi kepentingan bersama.

(d) Kita perlulah saling mempercayai antara satu sama lain.

(e) Kita hendaklah bersikap toleransi agar perpaduan dapat diperkukuh.

(f) Kita hendaklah mengamalkan sikap hormat-menghormati demi kesejahteraan hidup bersama.

The end!! Thanks for reading.:)

Thursday, 8 January 2015

J.R.R.Tolkien The Lord Of The RIngs Two Towers

Hey guys, this will be my third post in this blog.

And I'm gonna give you a free PDF on The Lord Of The Rings 2: Two Towers, written by J.R.R. Tolkien.

It's on the bottom of this post, and please leave a comment, or I'll come and haunt you in your dreams. ;) Just joking.. but still, please..

If you want the Free PDF of The Lord Of The Rings 1: Fellowship Of The Ring, please look at my last post.
While if you want the third one, The Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King, please leave a comment and when I see it, I'll certainly give it to you.

Or just wait until my next post, if you have the patience to wait, of course. :)

These books are the sequel to The Hobbit, which is very hot at this time when I write this because of its last movie to all of its collections.

The main character of The Hobbit is Bilbo Baggins while the main character of The Lord Of The Rings is Frodo Baggins, the adopted son of Bilbo.

And these books are very suitable for those who likes fantasies and adventure, and for those who are bookworms like me!! :)

I give you this link:

After you enter it, click on the download symbol and it will be downloaded.

Pls: Comment or share this page on your Facebook, Twitter, or anywhere, as long as you do something.. :) Thx

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Free PDF Sequel to The Hobbit: The Lord of the Rings 1: The Fellowhip of The Ring

                                                                   Image result for the lord of the rings book picture

This is the PDF of The Lord of The Rings 1: The Fellowship of The Ring from J.R.R.Tolkien. You can download it if you scroll down this page. It is at the bottom of my post.

Well, I have already read it and it is even better than The Hobbit.

This book talks about the journey of Frodo Baggins, the adopted son of Bilbo Baggins, to the cracks of doom.

As to why, I really can't tell you even if I wanted to because I Don't want to be a spoiler.

You hate spoilers right?

I think so, because everybody says so and as for me, I have always hated my brother's spoiling information.

So, read it for yourself and see whether it is really good or rather bad. :)

Pls: Please comment if you have downloaded it and also if you want the second one, that is The Lord of The Rings 2 : Two Towers, and the third one, The Lord Of The Rings 3: The Return Of The King.

Thx. :)

 Click this link here. ,

then click the download symbol and it'll be done. Remember to comment:)

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies

 The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies poster 9 691x1024 The Hobbit: The ...
 I watched this movie yesterday and it is quite interesting, because the editor added many more plots for this movie even though its novel never described the war completely because of Bilbo Baggins fainting in the war and only waking up after the war ends.

Besides, the editor added some romance to this story when the real writer, J.R.R.Tolkien did not.                               tauriel-kili-posters-the-hobbit-the-desolation-of-smaug-hobbit-3-my ...

The left side is Killi while the right side is Tauriel. A perfect match right? So sad Killi died... :(
When Tauriel(an elf) cries over the death of Killi(a dwarf), her lover, you could see how she loved him even though Thranduil told her before that her feelings for Killi is unreal.

I swear I cried when I watched that, you know.

And I also cried when Thorin died, he is so good and brave, even though sometimes mad due to the gold in Mount Gundabad, the spell cast by the evil dragon, Smaug.

The editor also added on how Gandalf got to Mordor and realizes that the power of the Enemy, Sauron is still there and that he will arise again if he gets The Ring Of All Rings(the ring Bilbo accidentally gets from Gollum), which J.R.R.Tolkien didn't include in his novel though you can guess it if you'd watched or read The Lord Of The Rings.

So, all in all, this movie is very good and I really recommend it to anyone who likes fantasies.

But, as a reminder, if you watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug first before watching this, it would be even better.

And I would advise you to read the novel first, as I'm a bookworm. So there.. Thanks for reading. :)