
Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Water for people, Water by people.

Hi I'm Ruth and I am very glad to say that after a long year, I'm back. Love you all.

I would like to remind you that everything written on my blog is ORIGINAL. And by ORIGINAL, it means that none of these are copied from any other websites except for two posts that I had mentioned in its own post, Orion and Amanda Todd.

You might have read some of my writings here and there, but note this. It will never be the same. Only hypocrites will want to accuse me of copying because everybody learn knowledge from people and thus knowledge is passed from age to age, or you can say, copied. But that's knowledge. You need to copy it to gain it. Or gain it and recopy it to pass it to someone else. I'm very glad to declare that I have done no reference while writing this post. It is 100% straight from my brain.

Okay so let's start with the topic.

Water For People, Water By People.

The basic informations of water are these. It is made up of molecules, each molecule containing two hydrogen atom and one oxygen atom. Water can be existing in three forms, solid, liquid and gas. Water has a boiling point of 100°C, and a freezing and melting point of 0°C, on one condition, that is, it being pure water. Or you can say, distilled water.

Water helps the world to live. Water is the condition for the world to live. Do you agree? No? Try surviving without water. That's a challenge. Try, try, try. Try as you may, without water, you will cease to exist.

Take a desert for an example. If you say the nomads live without water, I can tell you that you are wrong. Why so? There are oasis in the deserts. And the nomads, they find them, and they live there. In the oasis, there will always be floras and faunas, because for them, a place with water is heaven, and a place without water is hell. So is water for people.

People need water to survive. Take Africa for an example. The mass of people that die there every single day is intriguing, horrifying, and makes us think. It makes us think of the reasons why the deaths happen. One of the major reasons is the lack of water. Cast your eyes on the rural areas of Africa. You won't see deserts, but you will see wastelands. That is what I call it. A dry, hard, wasteland. The ground yellow and hard with hardly any plant growing on it, the vast land stretching far and wide, all dry. Have you seen any touching pictures with African children and a stream? No. You only see them, hungry, starved, and thirsty, with their lives hanging onto a thread. Even the little water they have aren't clean water. Water, people, they need water!

So you see that water is important for survival. I have heard that without food, you can survive for seven days without dying but without water, you may only survive for three days. I do not know whether that is completely true as there will always be exceptions, and I would not like to experiment it for it is a matter of life and death. But there is a logical theory behind it. If you are a biology student, you get what I mean, but if you are not, I'm going to explain it now.

Water is in every part of humans' body. Our body needs 70 percent of water in order to work properly. Every cell contains water because water is used for metabolism, frankly, every single process in the body needs water. We lose water with things we do such as sweating and urinating. So, we need to drink water to replenish our stock of water in our bodies. Even if we do not do so, water will still go out of our bodies because we need to excrete. The body's function is to make us remain healthy and to make us healthy the body will excrete toxins, and that needs water. Imagine excretion of toxics without water. I bet the toxics will get stuck, not get out, because of no water to smooth its way out.

If there is no continuance of water replenishing, the cells will contract. When it contracts until it cannot contract anymore, it will go through a process called crenation. Then, it will die. Do you want to know how it happens? It is easy. Take a balloon and fill it with water. Then, release the water bit by bit. You will see the balloon getting smaller, and in the end, flat with no water. Cells are a bit more complicated than no water, though. Cells die when it has not enough water. Now look at this matter again. A human body is made up of more than a billion cells. Cells form tissues, tissues form organs, organs form systems, and a combination of systems form the body. Every single cell needs water. Without water, they die.

Now, imagine all the cells dying at the same time.

You get the image, right? Now again, look at this. The whole world is alive because of living things and because of humans that run the world. Living things are made up of cells. Without water, cells die. Without water, living things die. Without water, humans die.

Now, imagine every living thing and human dead because of no water.

How horrifying it is if water does not exist! Living things move. Without movement, the Earth is a dead planet. What about the electronic gadgets? They move. Yes, they do. But have you ever heard of maintenance? They need maintenance in order to move forever. Yet you know that maintenance is made by humans. And when all is dead, no one is there to do the maintenance. One by one, they would get broken and fail to work. They would rust, and they would cease to exist. In short, nothing is forever without water. No light except for the sun. No life. A gray, dark world with no life.

I have been pressuring that water is important for survival and life. Now, I will talk about how water is important to give us a good life.

Water is used in daily life. Aside from providing the body's needs, water is used to clean everything from our hands to the floormat that hasn't been washed for years. Water is used to water plants so that when they grow, they will bear fruit for our food, or they will bear flowers that eases the eyes of the beholders. Water is used to retain the life of animals, so that none of them would die of the lack of water, and so that they will become fattened and served as a dish on the table. Water is used for the generation of hydroelectricity. Water is used in waterparks to provide fun for people. Water is the habitat of fishes and coral reefs. Basically, everything needs water. Water, is the definition of a balanced ecosystem.

However, people do not fully appreciate the water that God has given us. Somehow, no matter whether it is intended or not, people manage to pollute water. We do not have any idea on how precious water is, and we never had thought about what if there will be no more clean water in this world. We take water for granted, as we have never went through trouble for water, or we forget about the trouble they went through for water. We, as humans of the world are too blinded by money to care about the quality of water. We think that we will always have clean water forever.

Take agriculture for an example. Agriculture is a major earning business because people's food comes from plants. The agriculture companies think of how to solve their productivity problem to gain more money everyday. They think, but not really, because they only take short cuts and never care about other things except of their own greed. The short cuts are giving the plants chemical fertilisers and poisonous and toxic pesticides so that they could grow fast, well, and without the disturbance of pests. And when they do so, the harmful chemical substances goes through the soil and to water sources, polluting them and endangering the marine life and also himans indirectly when people buy the marine animals.  They could have done anything other than destroying clean water sources but they did not. And they will not, for their eyes are blinded.

The same goes to the factories which produce toxins and take the shortcut to get rid of them by dumping them into rivers. Even people who live in housing areas, they dump their rubbish into the river. People who are reading this, if you do the action that I mentioned earlier, I would like to ask you, do you honestly think that throwing rubbish into the river means a successful way of getting rid of them? Do you not know that this will only lead to the jamming of flowing water besides polluting it? Even if the rubbish flows to the sea, the turtles will mistake them for jellyfishes and eat them and die, causing the extinction of turtlekind, besides polluting the sea.

Thus, water sources decrease each and every year drastically. There are hardly anymore clean rivers and seas, and one day, there might be no more clean water for all of us. On that day, I believe that no matter how far menkind try to clean the water up, the water will only be too polluted to be cleansed and people will just have to accept how it is and drink to their deaths.

If you're reading this and you swear that you're not this kind of people, then I thank you, and please continue and send this link to every other person in this world and pass the message, water is important for people, water should be preserved by people.

If you're reading this and you are this kind of people, then I beg you, do change for the sake of our future generations, and pass the message around too.

I hope my efforts are not useless, and that I can wake people up from their blinded universe, and start to think for others and themselves.

Thank you.

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